Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is a very common chronic health condition. It can occur in the hands or feet but is most prevalent in the feet. Peripheral means further out from the center of the body, Neuro means nerves, and Pathy means abnormal. In summary, Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is pain from abnormal nerves further from the center of the body. This condition indicates a breakdown of communication between the brain and the hands or feet.
There are three different types of nerves that send specific information from the body to the brain, and from the brain to the body. They include your motor nerves (that make things move), sensory nerves (that enable you to feel temperature, light touch, and joint position), and autonomic nerves (that run your organs on autopilot). The types of symptoms you experience from Peripheral Neuropathy pain depend on which type of nerves are being negatively affected and are misfiring bad information to the brain.
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Treatment
10 Common Signs of Peripheral Neuropathy Pain
- Burning Feet or Hands
- Prickling/Tingling Sensations
- Cramping
- Loss of Balance/Falling
- Sharp Electric Pain
- Weakness
- Pain When Walking
- Swelling
- Difficulty Sleeping from Leg Discomfort
- Numbness
The Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Pain
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is a complicated condition that is usually caused by a combination of neurological and metabolic problems. The condition is fueled by chronic inflammation and is progressive. Symptoms usually begin displaying themselves on an intermittent basis. Then, over time, they become more constant and can affect larger areas of the body.
Leading Causes to Peripheral Neuropathy Pain
- Statin Drugs – They are the medication prescribed to lower cholesterol. However, our bodies need cholesterol. It is the building block that makes the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerves. Also, statin drugs inhibit the formation of CoQ10 – an antioxidant necessary for nerves to function properly
- A Damaged Back for Years/Decades Leads to Scar Tissue
- Diabetes or Insulin Resistance. Insulin puts glucose into cells to provide cells with necessary fuel to make energy
- Chronic Inflammation due to food sensitivities, which often includes gluten, dairy and soy
- Hidden Gut Infections
- Poor Omega 3 to Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids
- High Insulin
- Hormone Imbalances
- Chemotherapy
2 Different Sets of Nerve Signal Pathways
Large Diameter Afferent Nerves and Small Diameter Afferent Nerves are nerves that provide different information messages to the brain. Large Diameter Afferent Nerves send sensations regarding vibration, touch and balance. Small Diameter Afferent Nerves send signals about pain and temperature. In health, the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves send their messages to the brain faster than the Small Diameter Afferent Nerves, thus blocking the pain and temperature messages of the Small Diameter Afferent Nerves and creating the Pain Inhibitory Pathway.
When the protective myelin sheathing surrounding the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves gets damaged or stripped, their message signaling speed to the brain slows down significantly. Therefore, the Small Diameter Afferent Nerve signals become the faster messengers and their pain signals gain constant access to the brain.
Our Program, Step by Step
Since Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is a complicated, progressive condition AND nerves need fuel, oxygen and activation to thrive and survive, our Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Program is designed to provide several things done together to drive your situation into a better direction.
- You would use HakoMed Microcurrent to promote microcirculation to the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves to provide them with more oxygen and nutrients to promote healing. HakoMed Microcurrent also stimulates the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves. As a result, HakoMed Microcurrent provides fuel, oxygen and activation – the necessary ingredients for nerves to heal and function. This therapy works like watering the roots of a plant and placing it in sunlight at the same time.
- Class II Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for nerve activation and repair. LLLT stimulates nerves, reduces free radicals, improves circulation, and increases cell health for healing.
- Vibration Therapy. This therapy stimulates the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves for pain inhibition.
- Rebuilder Therapy. This is a machine you use at home to stimulate the Large Diameter Afferent Nerves to help re-establish the connections to the peripheral nerves. It will be yours to keep after the conclusion of your Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Program so you can actively keep the area healthy.
- Diet. Dietary changes are a must to reduce chronic inflammation, a major contributor to this condition.
- Essential Fatty Acids. You will get more Omega 3’s to combat inflammation with a cream, supplement and with your diet.
- Metabolic issues must be addressed if you want to win the battle against Peripheral Neuropathy Pain. The condition is already present so you will have to commit to adopting a diet that excludes dairy, gluten and soy. You will also need to adopt a paleo diet. Paleo diets include lean meat, fish, vegetables, and low glycemic fruit. Furthermore, you will have to omit most Omega 6’s which are in fried food and vegetable oils, and add more Omega 3’s.
- Bloodwork. You would do some bloodwork which we would apply to the functional optimal lab ranges established by the Endocrine Society, a professional, international medical organization in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. We will look at your bloodwork like a detective to determine what supplementation is necessary to bring you into the functional optimal lab ranges so you can feel great and heal.
- Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is not a simple situation. It takes many different things to help improve. Not just one thing will do it.
You must address the underlying metabolic and neurological components of this problem to have success. - This condition is progressive and will not go away on its own.
- Our Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Program is comprehensive and state of the art.
Peripheral Neuropathy Pain is a progressive condition. What will your life look like in 1, 5, or 10 years if your condition continues to get worse? Call (434) 245-8456. Schedule your Peripheral Neuropathy Pain evaluation and start your journey to better health.